Intercessory Prayer and Warfare Manual
Restoring Life and anointing to the Body of Christ Worldwide.
Stephen Galvano is the founder and senior pastor of Rochester Christian Church Ministries (RCCM). He has raised up and sent out many in the work in the ministry with plantings in Canada, Argentina, China, Zambia, India, Italy, and the United States. He founded RBC School of Theology, Rochester Christian Academy, The Transformation Center, and, as a man of prayer, established the Garden of Prayer which is open to the public 24 hours a day and has greatly enhanced unity among leaders in the Rochester area.
Welcome to the Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Ministry!
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you in becoming a very intricate and yielded vessel that is dedicated to a life of prayer. We are excited about the family of Prayer Warriors God has brought together. He has given us each a measure of His Holy Spirit. We are committed to praying in the Holy Spirit by faith with His direction and unction.
Once again, welcome and thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you into becoming a part of a ministry that is dedicated to removing and destroying yokes, breaking barriers, binding the forces of hell and loosing the power of the ALMIGHTY GOD and the forces of heaven on earth.
We thank God for your decision to become a part of this ministry and we know that being a part of the Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Ministry will be a tremendous blessing to you.
This Orientation Manual is designed to give you an overview of this ministry and its procedures.
As a member of the Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Ministry, you must:
· Be a Born-again believer, baptized in the Holy Spirit;
· Be a Tither;
· Be a Graduate of the New Members Class;
· Study and Meditate on the Scriptures Daily;
· Confess the Scriptures Daily;
· Feed on the Word of God twice weekly with the local Church Body;
· Attend Sunday Morning Worship;
· Attend Wednesday Family Night Service;
· Have a Vision of Prayer Ministry birthed in your spirit;
· Be a Demonstration of the Fruits of the Spirit;
· Be Prompt (on Time), Diligent, Dedicated and Committed for All Prayer Sessions and Meetings.
The purpose of an Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Ministry is to ensure that all areas of the Church are covered with prayer continuously. We pray for nations, leaders/kings, governments and all those in authority. We pray for our families, partners, supporters and the entire Body of Christ.
We rely on God’s Power to break through, pull down and build up victoriously as we flow in the Holy Spirit, creating an atmosphere for Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the Name of Jesus. This ministry consists of committed, diligent and dedicated members submitted to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is communicating back to God what He has already said. It is putting Him in remembrance of His Word, which are the promises and blessings for the Saints, His consecrated people. Prayer is the act of bringing God into every situation and asking Him to change, re-arrange and bring from the spiritual supernatural realm into the natural realm that which we can look at and say, “Here is it, just as God has said in His Word.”
Prayer shows our total dependence upon God as our Father as we seek FIRST His Righteousness, acknowledging Him in ALL our ways!
Prayer involves two-way participation. I speak and then I listen, allowing God to speak to me. The most important thing in prayer is what God says. I must be willing and obedient, that I may be fruitful in every area of my life. I will do just what He tells me to do!!!
Why is Prayer Important?
Prayer is the key to developing and establishing covenant, relationship, fellowship and friendship with God. Prayer gives strength, wisdom, comfort and answers for any and all situations and circumstances.
Prayer gets God’s and heaven’s attention. God says that even before we call He hears us, and He will answer us. We cannot afford not to pray. This is the life of a born-again believer. Satan hates it when we pray because prayer ushers in the Holy Presence of God, which no foe can withstand.
Satan knows that when we go to God our Father in prayer, he (Satan) has no dominion over us. We have given our attention and focus to God and Satan has no authority over us. Prayer is our secret place with the Most High God!
Who Qualifies to Pray?
Any sinner, unbeliever, doubter, spectator or backslider who has made a quality decision to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and live according to the Word of God, is qualified to pray. Born-again believers who have been washed by the Blood of Jesus, forgiven of their sins and cleansed from all unrighteousness have the right to enter into the throne room of God in prayer through the Name of Jesus.
A born-again believer knows that when he or she prays, God hears their prayers, and they are confident that God will bring it to pass according to His Will, which is the Word of God.
Jesus is our Example…
No greater example can we find in the Bible for prayer than our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. He constantly communed with His Father in heaven. The Scriptures speak about them as being One.
Jesus grew in strength from His Father during times of prayer. He showed His submission to the dominion and authority of God in His (Jesus) life. Jesus addressed God as His loving Father.
He set the standards of prayer for His disciples when they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. They took notice that every time Jesus prayed He received immediate results!
What makes Prayer Powerful?
Only the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. God’s Word is the final authority and always produces results when a born-again believer speaks the Word of God in the Name of Jesus, the Anointed One and asks in faith, not doubting in his heart that what he has asked for he will receive. Being the redeemed of the Lord, we can say so and it will be!!!
Prayer is Powerful when…
· It is based on the Word of God;
· It is prayed in faith, believing in your heart and not wavering;
· You trust in God with all your heart knowing that what He says is true and will come to pass;
· You embrace holy and clean living;
· You daily meditate and confess the Word of God;
· You pray in the Spirit both in tongues and with your understanding.
God’s Word is forever settled in heaven, and He watches over it to perform it. His Word does not come back void or unproductive. It accomplishes and prospers where unto it is sent. God is His Word, and His Word is in Him.
Glory Be To God!
Prayer Guide…
The best example of an outline or manner to be used in ministry for prayer is that which was given to us by our Lord Jesus Himself in Matthew 6:9-13:
“Our Father which art in Heaven,
Hallowed by Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power
and the Glory forever. Amen”
The following prayer guide is helpful in developing declarations after this manner for the Corporate Prayer setting.
Picture Calvary and thank God you can call Him “Father” by virtue of the Blood of Jesus. The benefits in the New Covenant correspond to the names of God. Hallow these names and make your faith declarations!
Sin: Jehovah-Tsidkenu “Jehovah, our Righteousness”
You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Sanctification: Jehovah-M’Kaddesh “Jehovah, our Sanctifier” – He has set you apart for Himself.
Spirit: Adonai “Our Lord and Master” – He is the completely self-existing one, always present, revealed in Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever.“
El-Elyon “Most High God” – He is the First Cause of everything, the Highest Sovereign of the heavens and earth. He is our great and living God, merciful, faithful and mighty.
Elohim “God, of Might and Strength” – Creator of heaven and earth Who was in the beginning and Who crowns you with glory and honor.
Jehovah-Shalom “Jehovah is Peace” – He is the Peace that surpasses all understanding.
Jehovah-Shammah “Jehovah is There” – He is the ever-present one.
Soundness Jehovah-Rapha “Jehovah, our Healer” – He sent His Word and healed us of all our diseases.
Success Jehovah-Jireh “Jehovah, our Provider” – He is the One who sees our needs and provides.
El-Shaddai “The God Almighty of Blessings” – He is the God who is more than enough, all bountiful, all sufficient, the “breasty one” who nourishes and supplies.
Security Jehovah-Nissi “Jehovah, our Banner” – He is our Victory. He lifts up a standard against our enemies. His banner over us is Love.
Jehovah-Rohi “Jehovah, our Shepherd” – He leads and guides us.
“Abba, Father! You have exalted above all else Your Name and Your Word, and You have magnified Your Word above all Your Name! The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. His name is Jesus! Hallowed by Thy Name.”
We need to pray daily that the Kingdom of God and His Will be made manifest on earth by praying for:
1. Our Nation and its leaders, both natural and spiritual. This includes national and local government officials (i.e. the Senate, Assembly, Judges, State and City, etc.);
2. Our Family (Spouse, children and all other family members);
3. Our Church (Pastors, leadership, faithfulness of people, and the harvest);
4. Ourselves.
We need to pray daily that we will be in the perfect Will of God (not permissive) in terms of our prayer life, our home life, our work habits, our service to the church and in our giving. We are to be obedient to the Word of God in all things.
We must believe that it is God’s Will to prosperous us and meet our every need.
We must be specific and tenacious in our praying!
We need to:
1. Ask God to forgive us for our sins;
2. Forgive ourselves for our own weaknesses and shortcomings;
3. Set our wills to forgive and release those who have hurt us or sinned against us.
It is important that we daily examine ourselves to make sure there is no unforgiveness in us and that the “sun does not go down on our wrath.”
We need to put on the whole Armor of God (put on the Lord Jesus Christ) which includes:
1. Our loins girt about with TRUTH;
2. The breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS;
3. Our feet shod with the PREPARATION (READINESS) of the Gospel of PEACE;
4. The Shield of FAITH, which quenches the fiery darts of the enemy;
5. The Helmet of SALVATION; and
6. The Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD.
We also need to pray for a hedge of PROTECTION which we have a Scriptural right to:
1. Because God is our Refuge and Fortress;
2. Because we have made the Lord our Habitation;
3. Because we have set our love upon Him;
4. Because we know His Name (Jesus, the Anointed One).
We must praise Him continually, because praise is becoming to the upright. We make our faith declarations and declare His Glory.*
Seven Steps to Prayer that Brings Results…
This manual will provide you with guidelines for successful prayer and declarations. We will briefly cover seven steps to prayer that brings results, as well as an outline of the general structure for Corporate Prayer and declaration in the local church.
1. Prayer that brings results must be based on God’s Word. If you want results, your prayers must be based on God’s Word. Divorce yourself from the traditions of men and get connected to that which gets results. You start with the answer instead of the problem.
John 1:15 – “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” Notice the beginning condition. Make sure you have God’s Word, have that Word abiding in you and you abide in that Word. What you ask will be what is abundantly in you (meaning the abundance of the Word). You are not just going to ask anything. You are going to ask according to the Word of God. And here is the guarantee – it shall be done unto you!
Search the Scriptures and write out on paper God’s answers from His Word. Plan the occasion to take God’s Word before Him and declare it. Read it out loud:
“Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and according to Isaiah 53:6,7; according to I Peter 2:24; according to this Scripture and that Scripture; where You said this, and You said that. And according to John 15:7, You said if this Word abide in me and I abide in this Word…”
You cannot just write it on paper and fail to write it on your heart. The creative power of God’s Word must be on the inside of you.
2. Begin the application of faith. Prayer doesn’t stop once you have left your knees. We now begin the application of faith by writing the Word of God on our heart, keeping it before our eyes and speaking it with our mouth. We cannot pray one thing in our prayer closet and then speak what is contradictory to what you have just prayed. Hold fast to your confession. Act as though it is already done. To be afraid to confess or to act as though it is already done is to doubt God’s Word. If God spoke it then He will surely bring it to pass.
3. Refuse to allow doubt and fear to enter your consciousness. Be aware that Satan can work in the areas of suggestions, dreams and visions. Make sure that anything you allow to be part of your thinking agrees with the Word of God. Anything that does not line up with the Word of God must be cast down under the authority of the Name of Jesus. God has given you authority over your thoughts.
It is possible to have doubt in your head while also having faith in your heart. In order for your spirit man to be in control over your soul (mind, will and emotions), it is necessary to feed your spirit with the Word of God in abundance. Again, you must keep the Word of God ever before your eyes, in your ears, in your mouth in order to write it on your heart. You must make a decision to agree only with the Word of God. You are establishing a witness. When you add your agreement with the Word God has spoken, you shall have that which you ask.
II Corinthians 10:5 – “…casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
4. See yourself succeeding and not failing. To receive anything by faith, it is important that we have an inside visual picture, an inner image of a covenant promise. We set our focus not on what we see in this physical world but on what is promised to us in the Word of God. If you can see it, you can have it!
II Corinthians 4:18 – “While we look not at the things, which are seen, but at the things, which are not seen: for the things, which are seen, are temporal; but the things, which are not seen, are eternal.”
Make no provision for failure. Do not speak failure, only success. Prepare to receive that for which you have prayed!
Romans 13:14 – “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.”
Joshua 1:8 – “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, then thou shalt have good success.”
5. Testify of what you believe. Don’t be afraid to tell it! What you believe is the Word of God. You are not testifying to your experiences, but rather what God’s Word says is true. Be mindful that it is God working in you both to will and to do His good pleasure. As your prayers begin to manifest, you must be sure not to boast or give credit to your own ability. Examine your motives. Give God ALL the credit, ALL the glory. Without Him you can do nothing. There is overcoming power in our testimony. We give voice to the Word of God by declaring our blood-bought right to what is written therein.
Revelation 12:11 – “And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”
6. Get involved in helping someone else. When you help someone else, God is able to help you. Find someone who lacks the very thing you have been praying for. Then help them to do it. In Genesis, chapters 39 – 41, we see Joseph making prosperity possible for Potiphar, the butler, Pharaoh and all of Egypt. In turn, God prospered him exceedingly, abundantly, above all that he could ask or think.
7. Get on the giving end. If you want results in your prayer life, get on the giving end. When you have needs, God will always talk to you about sowing some seeds. In the kingdom of God system, it pays to live a life of giving. Instead of just waiting to see your prayers manifested, you can determine your measure of return by giving. The measure by which your prayer is measured back to you is based on your giving.
Luke 6:38 – “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
Prayer and Declaration in the Local Church…
Just as oxygen is a vital resource for our physical body, so likewise prayer is the force, which connects our spirit in fellowship with God. As in all things with God, there is an order to prayer and declaration in the local church. However, let’s begin with a reminder to never allow ourselves to focus more on the mechanics of prayer than on the One to whom we pray. Let us focus on the excitement and thrill of being connected with God, His power and His presence.
Prayer · Communication with God and saying back to Him that which He has already said; · Going boldly to the Throne of God’s mercy and grace in the Name of Jesus; · Praying with your understanding (speaking in your natural language);· Praying in the Spirit (praying supernaturally, in tongues, heavenly mysteries.
Corporate Prayer · Members assembling together to work toward a common end, speaking the Word of God in the Name of Jesus in the same place, at the same time.· The Prayer of Agreement is one of the most powerful weapons in Corporate Prayer. One will put a thousand to flight, but two will put ten thousand to flight. When men and women of God come together in agreement as touching anything on earth according to the Will of God, we will have that which we ask the Father.· In the Corporate Prayer setting, it is vital that we enter into the presence of God by the Blood of the Lamb and its cleansing power.
· Confession of all sins of commission and omission is needed to ensure no hindrances to this time of prayer!
I John 1:7-9 – “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
· Prayer directives should be established by the leadership of the ministry.
These directives can encompass immediate and long-term visions from the ministry head. It is needful to write the directives and make then accessible to all members of the ministry.
Habakkuk 2:2 – “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readth it.”
· Being in one accord is key in the release of the Corporate Prayer anointing.
Scripture illustrates in numerous passages that united vocal prayer, or praying out loud together, is powerful and needful. (Acts 1:14; 2:1; 4:24; 16:25). In the church congregation, this can be accomplished, while still maintaining order, by utilizing a Prayer Leader who declares the directives to be repeated by the congregation.
· It is appropriate to pray in tongues during Corporate Prayer, because we are speaking to God and not to each other. Order is maintained throughout by direction of the Prayer Leader.
Praying in our understanding limits us to only those things we know to pray. The Holy Spirit can help us to pray for those things we do not know. With a worldwide vision, we must be able to pray for other countries and situations unknown to our understanding. Praying in tongues is the means by which we may speak supernaturally to God. We can speak divine secrets with Him. It is also a mean by which we magnify and praise God. (Acts 10:46; Romans 8:26).
I Corinthians 14:2 – “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.”
Ministry Staff Prayer · One of the most important standards to be set in ministry is that of a Staff that prays together and is fed with the Word of God. To accomplish this, you may desire to establish a requirement of Corporate Prayer attendance and Bible Study/Church Service attendance for all Ministry Staff Members. · The Staff Members of a ministry should be encouraged to unite in prayer in a designated area on a daily or weekly basis. This standard of prayer should be set in order to encourage fellowship and communing together in the presence of God. · Prayer directives should be established by the leadership (Pastor, Administrator, etc.) in order to ensure unity in seeking ideas, concepts, insights and wisdom.· A time and place should be established for Ministry Staff Members to come together as needed to address departmental objectives or other urgent matters in prayer. Voluntary lunchtime prayer sessions in a designated area will also meet this need.· Ministry Staff Members should begin all meetings and activities with prayer, remembering to acknowledge God in all their ways, that He may direct their path. · Speaking the Word continually is the means by which we pray without ceasing.· The Ministry work environment should be one of edification and comfort between Ministry Staff Members.
I Thessalonians 5:11-12 – “Wherefore, comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord…”
Matthew 18:19-20 – “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
24-Hour Prayer · Members commit to a specific hour in which to confess God’s Word in the understanding according to Scripture and to pray in the Holy Spirit;· Members collectively and individually covering with prayer all concerns of the Ministry every hour of every day, 24 hours a day. (Isaiah 62:6-7).
Private Prayer · Members intimately communicating with God, speaking back to Him that which He has already said in His Word; · Members praying in the understanding and in the Spirit, giving God opportunity to speak into your spirit. (Isaiah 34:16; John 15:7; Romans 8:6).
Intercessory Prayer · Members standing in the place of someone else, going between and preparing the way spiritually for God’s purpose and plans that they not be hindered. This calls for:- Prayer that is targeted, focused;- Praying through;- Breakthrough prayer.
Confessions Based on God’s Word…*
It is recommended that the following confessions be spoken three (3) times a day.
To Defeat Worry and Fear
“I am the Body of Christ and Satan has no power over me. For I overcome evil with good.”
(I Corinthians 12:27; Romans 12:21)
“I am of God, and have overcome Satan. For greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” (I John 4:4)
“I will fear no evil for Thou art with me, Lord. Your Word and Your Spirit they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
“I am far from oppression, and fear does not come nigh me.”
(Isaiah 54:14)
“No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for my righteousness is of the Lord. But whatsoever I do will prosper for I am like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water.” (Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 1:3)
“I am delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the Will of God concerning me.” (Galatians 1:4)
“No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling. For the Lord has given His angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways, and in my pathway is life and there is no death.”
(Psalm 91:10-11; Proverbs 12:28)
“I am a doer of the Word of God and am blessed in my deeds. I am happy in those things which I do because I am a doer of the Word of God.” (James 1:22)
“I take the shield of faith and I quench every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against me.” (Ephesians 6:16)
“Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body. Every disease, germ, and every virus that touches this body dies instantly, in the Name of Jesus. Every organ and every tissue of this body functions in the perfection to which God created it, and I forbid any malfunction in this body, in the Name of Jesus.”
(Galatians 1:13; Romans 8:11; Genesis 1:32; Matthew 16:19)
“I am an overcomer and I overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.” (Revelation 12:11)
“I am submitted to God, and the devil flees from me because I resist him in the Name of Jesus.” (James 4:7)
“The Word of God is forever settled in heaven. Therefore, I establish His Word upon this earth.” (Psalm 119:89)
“Great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:13)
For Material Needs
(Confess these three (3) times a day until they manifest!)
“Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Christ has redeemed me from poverty. Christ has redeemed me from sickness. Christ has redeemed me from spiritual death.” (Galatians 3:13; Deuteronomy 28)
“For poverty, He has given me wealth. For sickness, He has given me health. For death, He has given me eternal life.”
(II Corinthians 8:9; Isaiah 53:5-6; John 10:10; John 5:24)
“It is true unto me according to the Word of God.”
(Psalm 119:25)
“I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart.” (Psalm 37:4)
“I have given and it is given unto me: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, men give unto my bosom.” (Luke 6:38)
“With what measure I give, it is measured unto me. I sow bountifully, therefore I reap bountifully. I give cheerfully, and my God has made all grace abound toward me. Therefore, I have all sufficiency for all things and I abound for every good work.” (II Corinthians 9:6-8)
“There is no lack for my God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:19)
“The Lord is my shepherd and I do not want. Jesus was made poor that I, through His poverty, might have abundance. For He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly.”
(Psalm 23:1; II Corinthians 8:9; John 10:10)
“And I, having received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, do reign as a king in life by Jesus Christ.”
(Romans 5:17)
“The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant, and Abraham’s blessings are mine.”
(Psalm 35:27; Galatians 3:14)
For Wisdom and Guidance
(Confess these three (3) times a day.)
“The Spirit of truth abides in me and teaches me all things. He guides me into all truth. Therefore, I confess I have perfect knowledge of every situation and every circumstance that I come up against. For I have the wisdom of God.”
(John 16:13; James 1:5)
“I trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I lean not to my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my path. (Proverbs 3:6-7)
“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.”
(Psalm 138:8)
“I will let the Word of Christ dwell in me richly in all wisdom.” (Colossians 3:16)
“I do follow the good Shepherd and I know His voice. The voice of a stranger I will not follow. (John 10:4-5)
“Jesus is made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Therefore, I confess I have the wisdom of God, and I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” (I Corinthians 1:30; II Corinthians 5:21)
“I am filled with the knowledge of the Lord’s Will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” (Colossians 1:9)
“I am a new creation in Christ. I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God is formed within me.”
(II Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10; I Corinthians 2:16)
“I have put off the old man and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created me.” (Colossians 3:10-11)
“I have received the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened. And I am not conformed to this world, but am transformed by the renewing of my mind. My mind is renewed by the Word of God.
(Ephesians 1:17-18; Romans 12:2)
For Comfort and Strength
(Confess these as often as necessary.)
“I am increasing in the knowledge of God. I am strengthened with all might according to His glorious power.” (Colossians 1:10-11)
“I am delivered from the power of darkness and I am translated into the kingdom of His dear Son.”
(Colossians 1:13)
“I am born of God and I have world-overcoming faith residing on the inside of me. For greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.”
(I John 5:4-5; I John 4:4)
“I will do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13)
“The joy of the Lord is my strength. The Lord is the strength of my life.” (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 27:1)
“The peace of God which passes all understanding keeps my heart and my mind through Christ Jesus. And things which are good, and pure, and perfect, and lovely, and of good report, I think on these things.” (Philippians 4:7-8)
“I let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth, but that which is good to edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearer. I grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby I am sealed unto the day of redemption.”
(Ephesians 4:29-30)
“I speak the truth of the Word of God in love and I grow up into the Lord Jesus Christ in all things.” (Ephesians 4:15)
“No man shall take me out of his hand for I have eternal life.” (Colossians 3:15)
“I will not let the Word of God depart from before my eyes for it is life to me, for I have found it and it is health and healing to all my flesh.” (Proverbs 4:21-22)
“God is on my side. God is in me now; who can be against me? He has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. Therefore, I am a partaker of His divine nature.”
(II Corinthians 6:16; Romans 8:31; John 10:10;
II Peter 1:3-4)
“I am a believer and these signs do follow me. In the Name of Jesus, I cast out demons. I speak with new tongues. I lay hands on the sick and they do recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)
“Jesus gave me the authority to use His name, and that which I bind on earth is bound in heaven, and that which I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind the principalities, the powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world. I bind and cast down spiritual wickedness in the high places and render them harmless and ineffective against me, in the name of Jesus.”
(Matthew 16:19; John 16:23-24; Ephesians 6:12)
“I am complete in Jesus Who is the head of all principality and power. For I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which Christ has before ordained that I should walk therein.”
(Colossians 2:10; Ephesians 1:10)
These confessions call the things that are promised. They also renew the mind and cause faith to come. Be positive. Don’t give up. God is on your side.
Staff Confessions
· “We bind, cast down and take authority over the spirits of strife, contention, compromise, rebellion, hypocrisy, procrastination, rebellion, pride, and deception. We cast down every evil and wicked thought and vain imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”
· “We loose the forces of wisdom, righteousness, faith and integrity. We loose the ministering spirits, the angels of God that have charge over the ministry to keep us in all our ways. We loose the fruit of the Spirit to manifest in our lives, and we loose unity within the Body of Christ.”
· “We are full of the Holy Ghost and have a personal relationship with Him through prayer and time spent in the Word of God. We prefer one another over ourselves.”
· “We are sober, vigilant, alert, strong, and courageous. We work smarter and not harder. We are detail minded. We always factor in the Anointing of the Holy Ghost.”
· “We are people of excellence, quality and integrity, so that all people (saved and unsaved) respect us. We are not a ministry of mediocrity. We are a ministry of magnificence. We operate over and above whatever it takes according to the Word of God to get the job done.”
· “We are imitators of God as His dear children. We hate what He hates and love as He loves. We are NOW people who do great things for our God, in the Name of Jesus.”
· “God directs us; we are not a driven ministry. Abba Father knows best!”
Leadership Confession
“Heavenly Father, Your Spirit is upon me! I am anointed, appointed and equipped by God to lead, guide and take your people forward in intercession, supplication, prayer and the giving of thanks to be made for all men.”
“Holy Spirit, I follow your leading and God’s objectives and directives for this ministry as set forth by your man of God. I will not change or deviate from the order of prayer set by the leadership of this Church/Ministry.”
“I will purpose to spend quality time praying in the Spirit and I expect to hear from You Lord. Lead me, guide me, teach me, that your people will follow the Christ in me as you lead us into wisdom, answered prayers, favor, promotion, prosperity, safety and joy!
“In the Name of Jesus, be it unto to us according to Thy Word!!” (Luke 1:38)
What is Intercession?
Intercession is the act of going on behalf of someone else that needs help from Almighty God, to be merciful and gracious unto someone else and not self. It most cases it is prayer for those whose situations or circumstances need the mercy and grace of God’s immediate attention.
Intercession touches the very heart of God, the Ministry of Jesus and the help of the Holy Spirit. Intercession requires a giving up and giving unto, as act of God’s love, mercy and compassion. The intercessor must be ready and sensitive to God at all times, totally yielded to Him, and willing to be touched by the infirmities of someone else.
Intercession requires you to become selfless, forgetting about your needs, desires and wants. The purpose of intercession is to:
· Secure Healing (James 5:14-16);
· Avert Judgment (Numbers 14:11-21);
· Insure Deliverance (I Samuel 7:5-9);
· Give Blessings (Numbers 6:23-27);
· Obtain Restoration (Ezekiel 22; Job 48:8-10);
· Encourage Repentance (Romans 10:1-4);
· Draw Nearer to God as Abba Father to Change His Mind (Exodus 32:7-14).
There are, of course, many more reasons and purposes.
As you begin to study to show yourself approved unto God, He will reveal much more. Intercession goes all the way to heaven and throughout all eternity. In studying intercession, there are Scriptures in Jeremiah showing that God did not receive prayers because of disobedience and worship of idols. (Jeremiah 7; 11:7-12; 11:13-18 and 11:19:22).
Intercession is to be made:
· For all those in authority, which includes the 5-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11-16; Romans 10:14-15);
· For Kings (I Timothy 2:1-6; Colossians 4:1-6);
· For Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6-7);
· For the Saints (Ephesians 6:18);
· For Sinners (Psalm 2:8).
Who is an Intercessor?
An intercessor is someone:
· Who intercedes on behalf of someone else, a born-again believer, who has been washed in the Blood of Jesus;
· Who is God fearing and willing to give up their schedules, time and plans on behalf of another;
· Who does not mind being interrupted by the Holy Spirit for prayer;
· Who is not only filled with the Holy Spirit, but has the evidence of speaking in other tongues (heavenly language);
· Who has a heart after God’s own heart;
· Who lives a life of repentance and is sanctified unto God, holy and set aside to be used of God, presenting their bodies as a yielded vessel;
An intercessor is confident that Jehovah God hears their prayers and will answer them according to his Word. He watches over His word to perform it. It is the Will of God for all believers to pray and not lose heart, faint or quit! (Luke 1:38; Luke 18:1; Colossians 4:2).
What are the Qualities of an Intercessor?
God’s love is described as Hasad/Agape, that no matter what we do, His love NEVER changes. He always wants the best for us. We are His children. His mercy endures forever. As an intercessor, we cannot be a respecter of persons, and we must walk in unconditional love! The same Jehovah is doing good work in all of us that are called by His Name. It is a divine privilege to be used by God to pray for someone, especially in the Body of Christ. We are our brother’s keeper. God wants His people totally free.
Praying the Word of God is powerful. It ushers in help from our Angels in heaven that have charge over us. As believers, we must study to show ourselves approved unto God. We must keep our minds transformed and renewed with God’s Word that we not be conformed to this world. Vain repetitious prayers do not move God. We must keep the Word of God on our mouth, in our eyes and ears, writing it on the tablets of our hearts. The Word of God says in Isaiah 34:16 to seek out the book of the Lord and read. We must read to know what to say. We must meditate so we can believe what we speak. We must speak to release the power. Knowledge of God’s Word is the only way to know your blood-bought rights and authority against the devil.
Nine (9) Attributes of an Intercessor…
1. ABANDONMENT – Willing to abandon all self-interest about what is being prayed;
2. ACCEPTANCE – Willing to accept the assignment to pray for someone that you do not even like;
3. ACCOUNTABILITY – Faithful to the call and life of prayer. Willing to loan God your vocal cords;
4. ADVOCATE – Willing to go in another person’s place and plead their case before God, acting like Jesus;
5. AGONIZING – Willing to bear the hurts of others and feel what they feel. Jesus was touched by our infirmities;
6. ARMOR – Willing to be a soldier who never retreats; who faces the devil in the Name of Jesus under the authority of the His Blood, knowing that the armor is your spiritual protection for your front parts. God protects your back parts. He is your rear guard. The Blood of Jesus and the Word of God are the whole armor of God;
7. AVAILABILITY – Willing to always be available for God; holy, submissive, yielded, and humble. The world looks for ability. God only needs availability He can enjoinder and equip;
8. AWARENESS – Willing to be sensitive, and look beyond the person to make it happen for someone else;
9. AUTHORITY – Willing to go boldly before the Throne of God without begging, understanding the authority that belongs to the born-again believer.
Examples of Intercessors…
· Moses – Exodus 32:11-13
· Joshua – Joshua 7:6-9
· Jehoshaphat – II Chronicles 20:5-13
· Isaiah – II Chronicles 32:20
· David – Daniel 9:3-19
· Christ – John 17:1-26
· Paul – Colossians 1:9-12
Establishing an Effective Prayer Ministry…
All ministries must pray in order to succeed and prosper. They must pray the Word of our living God, which is the source of all true power. Prayer keeps us in constant and close communion with God and gets eternal results.
Hear the instruction of the Father, and attend to know understanding as we labor to establish prayer ministries. As we labor to establish anointed and powerful prayer ministries, lives will be changed all over this world. (Proverbs 4:1).
Guidelines for Leaders…
A Prayer Leader is defined as one that occupies the front, standing boldly to announce the Word of God to those present (congregation, members, etc.). The Prayer Leader declares and professes, during a fixed time and place, a definite purpose (deliberate and intentional), guided to go forward in the Name of Jesus, the Anointed One, making requests known to God.
A Prayer Leader:
1. Submits and commits to the authority of the church leadership (Pastors, Bishops, etc.);
2. Gives tithes and offerings;
3. Attends two or more church services a week to be regularly spiritually fed;
4. Spends quality time praying in the Spirit and reading God’s Word;
5. Prays for interpretation of the mysteries;
6. Does not deviate from God’s Word or the prayer objectives given by the Pastor or church leader;
7. Lives the life he or she prays (not a hypocrite);
8. Encourages and inspires those in attendance with the love and mercy of God; and
9. Is loyal to the call, serving as unto the Lord.
Guidelines for the Congregation…
A congregation is defined as a family, crowd, people, multitude or assembly that is convened for a definite purpose at an appointed or fixed time or season.
The Congregation must:
1. Follow the leader and participate. The leaders help to keep focus in order to crush the deeds of darkness.
2. Stay alert, sober and vigilant, coming to prayer dressed with the whole armor of God.
3. Expect results as you pray. God will show Himself!
4. Give tithes and offerings.
5. Be committed and dedicated to pray.
Steps for Setting up a Prayer Ministry…
1. Pray for the Wisdom of God: (James 1:15; Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 6:33; Psalm 147:1-5)
2. Pray for God to reveal Himself and prepare the people to pray: (Acts 15:8; I Corinthians 2:10-13; Hebrews 4:13; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Psalm 139:1-2 and 15-16)
3. Provide meeting times and places: (Matthew 18:19-20; Acts 2:1-4; Psalm 55:17; Ezra 3:1 and 11-13; Hebrews 10:25; Philippians 2:1-2)
4. Provide prayer directives and vision for Prayer Ministry: (Romans 10:10 and 10:17; Psalm 107:2; Habakkuk 2:1-3)
5. Train Prayer Leaders and Teachers: (Psalm 119:33-35; John 14:26; I Thessalonians 5:12-13; Exodus 24:12; Psalm 25:4-5; Psalm 143:10)
6. Honor and respect those in authority and the five-fold ministry gifts: (I Timothy 2:1-2; Philippians 2:3-4; Ephesians 4:11-16)
7. Encourage and inspire prayer warriors: (II Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:15)
8. Establish standards: (Isaiah 59:19; Isaiah 62:10)
9. Train people to be accountable and responsible for their own acts. We are God’s earthen vessels, and as we abide in Him and His Word abides in us, whatsoever we ask the Father in Jesus’ Name, He will do it. Excuses are the tools of the incompetent, which builds monuments of nothingness. Those that specialize in them will seldom be good at anything else.
How to Safeguard the Prayer Ministry…
FASTING and PRAYER needs to be done to safeguard the Prayer Ministry.
· FASTING puts your flesh under subjection, not giving it what it wants. In the Presence of God, you will not yield to those temptations of this world. Fasting makes you more sensitive.
One of the main things to fast from is food. You can also abstain from other things that take up your time such as television, telephone, unnecessary friendships, etc.
· PRAYER – when fasting you must give much time to prayer. Pray without ceasing. That means keeping the Word of God in you and before you at all times. Learn to set aside time, on purpose, so that you can grow strong as you feed your spirit with the Word of God.
· FASTING and PRAYER together is a key to make the impossible possible.
Elements that Always Ushers in the Mighty Presence of God…
· PRAISE is an act of your will. It is a decision. It is what you say to God about His great works. It is not limited to clapping and dancing. It is mainly the fruit of your lips. The Psalms are perfect examples of praise, worship and thanksgiving: (Psalms 113:1-5; 134:1-3; 135:1-3; 145:2-3; 148:11-14 and 150:6; I Chronicles 16:25)
To praise God is to acknowledge the glories of His excellent person. Only God is worthy of our praise. It is His will for us to praise Him, and it should be continuous. Jesus shed His Blood so that Jehovah God would have praises on this earth:
(Psalms 50:23; 18:3; 107:8, 15 and 31)
· WORSHIP is an act of reverence. Reverence is a deep respect, love, awe and esteem for God, having a heart after His own heart. The highest calling of true worship is obedience, doing whatever He tells you to do. (Exodus 34:14; 20:1-6; I Chronicles 16; John 4:24)
Worship requires total commitment of our thoughts and emotions. God is pleased when we worship Him, understanding His true character. The only way to know Him is to spend time in His Word to know, “How Great Thou Art”! (Psalms 99:5,9; 138:2; Isaiah 27:13; Revelations 14:7; Philippians 3:3; Revelations 4:8-11; 19:7-10; John 9:31; Hebrews 10:1-2)
Another very important expression of worship for the church is remembering the death of Christ through the Lord’s Supper.
When we draw nigh to God, He draws nigh to us. Let us practice the Presence of God, and enjoy Him for who He is in our lives. Worship the Most High, the only True and Living God.
· THANKSGIVING is to hold out the hand, to revere or worship with extended hands. It also means to give adoration and gratitude for God’s blessings. Thanks is what you say. There is power in Thanksgiving, showing Jehovah God appreciation for what He has already done and all that He has given. It means not murmuring and complaining, but being grateful. (I Chronicles 16:8; 34-35:4; Ezra 3:11; Nehemiah 11:17; 12:38-40; 12:46; Psalms 18:49; 26:7; 30:4-12; 35:18; 75:1; 92:1; 140:13; Romans 14:6; 16:4; I Corinthians 15:57; II Corinthians 4:15; 9:15; Ephesians 5:20; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 1:3, 12; 3:17; Colossians 4:2; I Thessalonians 3:9; Revelations 7:12)
“Thank you ABBA FATHER for we who are called by your Name. Thank you for the Precious Blood of Jesus that allowed us to be adopted into Your royal priesthood. GLORY BE TO GOD!”
· EXPECTATION is to look forward with great anticipation, confident in Jehovah God to bring His Word to pass. It is a reaching out in readiness to receive something and watching with hope from God’s Word with eager longing. (Psalm 62:5; Proverbs 23:18; 24:14; Luke 3:15; Romans 8:19; II Peter 3:11-14; Philippians 1:19-20; Luke 21:25-28; Acts 3:1-9)
· HUMILITY is to be brought low, to decrease that Jehovah God might increase. We need to transform our minds with the Word of god that we never exalt ourselves above God and one another. We look unto Him who is the Author and Finisher of our faith; the Beginning and the Ending of our lives in Christ Jesus. Pride is a boastful assurance of one’s own self, eliminating his need of Jehovah God. It exalts a man and shows covetousness for excessive flattery, the wrong kind of praise. (Psalms 40:4; 9:12; 51:17; 69:32-33; 138:6; James 1:9-10; 4:6-10; I Peter 5:5-6; Philippians 2:3-4; Colossians 3:12-17; Ephesians 4:1-3; Acts 20:19; Proverbs 8:13; 16:18-19; Isaiah 57:15; Philippians 1:21; Galatians 2:20)
“Heavenly Father, of Your great goodness, make known to me and take from my heart every kind and every form and every degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits or my own corrupt nature. Jehovah God awaken in me the deepest depth and truth of that humility which can make me capable of Your light and Holy Spirit.” (Psalm 51:10-13; I John 1:9)*
The Weapons of our Warfare…
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” (II Corinthians 10:4-6)
· Revelation 12:7-11 – Speaks of the war of heaven; Michael vs. the dragon.
· Isaiah 13:3-5 – Speaks of the gathering of the Army of the Lord.
· Joel 2:2-11 – Speaks of the great and terrible Army of the Lord.
· II Timothy 2:3-4 – Speaks of God choosing us to be soldiers.
The Church is to train believers in spiritual warfare. God has provided every born-again believer an ARSENAL OF WEAPONS to be used in prayer. These include:
1. THE WORD OF GOD. (It is to be learned, studied and memorized.)
· Ephesians 6:17 – The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.
· Matthew 8:16 – Jesus casts out spirits with His Word and heals all.
· Psalm 107:20 – Healing and deliverance via God’s Word.
· John 8:31-32 – Continue in His Word and the truth will set you free.
· Hebrews 4:12-13 – The Word of God is quick, powerful and sharp.
· I John 2:14 – You are strong, and the Word of God abides in you.
· Revelation 12:11 – We are overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb.
· Hebrews 9:14 – The Blood of Christ purges our conscience from dead works; His Blood represents evil’s annihilation and Christ’s victory.
· I Corinthians 2:7-8 – God’s hidden wisdom in the cross.
· I Corinthians 1:22-24 – God’s wisdom in the Lord Jesus Christ.
· Mark 16:27 – “In my name shall you cast out devils,” Jesus said.
· Philippians 2:5-11 – Jesus emptied Himself. Therefore, every knee shall bow.
· Hebrews 1:4 – The excellent Name of Jesus
· Acts 16:18 – Deliverance from divination by the Name of Jesus.
· Luke 10:17 – Devils are subject unto us through the name of Jesus.
· Matthew 12:28 – Casting out devils by the Spirit of God
· Acts 10:38 – Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power.
· Luke 4:18-19 – “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me …and has anointed me”
· I John 4:1-7 – Greater is He that is in you.
· Isaiah 10:27 – The yoke is broken because of the anointing.
· Isaiah 59:19 – The Spirit of the LORD shall life up a standard against the flood of the enemy.
· Zechariah 4:6 – “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.”
· Ephesians 5:17-18 – Be filled with the Spirit. Be ready.
· Luke 10:17-18 – The saints are given power and authority.
· Luke 9:1 – Jesus gives power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases.
· Matthew 10:1 – Jesus gives power to his disciples against unclean spirits and to heal all manner of sickness.
· Mark 3:13-15 – Power given to heal sickness and cast out devils.
· James 4:7 – Authority to resist the devil.
· I Peter 5:8-9 – Resisting the devil
· Isaiah 31:4 – Quiet use of authority.
· Matthew 16:19 – Authority to bind and loose.
· Matthew 18:18 – Authority to bind and loose on earth; done in heaven.
· Matthew 12:29 – Binding the strongman.
· Luke 10:19 – Authority to trample and tread over the enemy’s power.
· Romans 16:20 – “The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet.”
· Psalm 91:13-14 – Trampling on the dragon, etc.
· Malachi 4:3 – Treading down the wicked under the soles of your feet.
· Zechariah 10:5 – Treading down the enemy.
· Matthew 8:8-9 – Authority is total!!!
· Mark 9:28-29 – This kind comes out only by prayer and fasting.
7. WORSHIP AND PRAISE. God dwells in the midst of our worship and praise.
· II Chronicles 20 – The LORD fights the battle in the midst of singing and praise.
8. SILENCE. There is victory in silence; free of grumbling and murmuring.
· Isaiah 30:15 – In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.
· Lamentations 3:26 – Quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
· Isaiah 7:1-4 – “…take heed and be quiet…”
Warfare is a battle of life or death. God has provided us with an Arsenal of Weapons to be used against him (Satan), who has already been defeated, that we might see the manifestation of God’s victory.
Prayer of Binding and Loosing for the Overcoming Christian…
“…In the Name of Jesus, “…In the Name of Jesus,
BIND any spirits that are LOOSE unto those that
not spirits of God in my You have called unto
life and in the lives of all Yourself, Ministering
those called by Your Spirits according to
name.” Hebrews 1:14”
I Bind Spirits of: I Loose Spirits of:
Conditional Love – Unconditional Love
Thoughts – Sound Mind
Rejection – Adoption
Fear/Timidity – Power of God
Procrastination – Readiness
Hatred – Love
Fighting – Reconciliation
Violence – Meekness
Malice/Slander – Sweetness
Heaviness – Joy
I Bind Spirits of: I Loose Spirits of:
Hopelessness – Hope
Complaining/Reviling – Singing
Mind Control – Peace
Manipulation/Swindling – Ministering
Selfishness – Lending
Backsliding – Steadfastness
Poverty – Prosperity
Hard-heartedness – Showing Mercy
Sickness – Divine Health
Marriage Destruction – Family Unity
Passivity – Aggressiveness
Fantasy/Idolatry – Understanding
Degrading Passions – Passion for God
Fornication – Decency
Foolishness – Correction
Adultery – Commitment
I Bind Spirits of: I Loose Spirits of:
Effeminate – Manhood
Homosexuality – Godly Order
Worldly Wisdom – Sound Wisdom
Death/Destruction – Zoe Life
Anti-Christ – Christ-likeness
Humanism – Perseverance
New-Age – Unity of the Brethren
Religiosity – Faith in Jesus Christ
Impatience – Patience
Feeble Mindedness – Self-Worth
Jezebel – Instruction
Criticism – Sweetness of Lips
Self Pity – Kindness/Helps
Retaliation – Fairness
Perversity – Goodness/Morality
Familiarity/Deceit – Truth
I Bind Spirits of: I Loose Spirits of:
Self-righteousness – Righteousness
Thievery – Restoration
Professionalism – Faithfulness
Arrogance/Wickedness – Holy Boldness
Murder – Gentleness
Harshness – Self-control
Inhibition – Prophesy
Cowardice – Good Courage
Pride – Servanthood/Humility
Condemnation – Teaching
Laziness – Zealousness
Inferiority – Exhortation
Unwillingness – Willingness
Avarice – Giving
Rebellion against
Authority – Submission
Prayer of Deliverance…
“Lord, on this date I recognize my need for deliverance by Your hand. I have been a prisoner of war in the land, which you gave me for too long now. I have not stood up for my rights as your child and the enemy has used my ignorance to step all over me. I realize now that on the Cross you not only paid for my salvation and healing, but for my deliverance as well.
Father, bring before me now any unforgiveness, bitterness or any other ungodly attitudes that I have not asked forgiveness for. Forgive me Lord, and give me the opportunity to make it right with the people that are involved.
(Address the enemy) On this day, I command all the demons of hell, that have been trespassers in my land, to take notice: You will no longer cause devastation to the land of this temple which belongs to the Holy Spirit of the living God! From this day forward, I will be the one that will be laughing at you!
I recognize that because of my free will, unless I asked Jesus to come into my life, you already had control. Likewise, unless I declare war and demand that you get out of my life, you remain free to trespass. I say: NO MORE! I am taking possession of the land and declaring JESUS CHRIST ONLY to be the LORD.
On this day, I will to evict the spirit of ____________ from my life. You have devastated, tortured and tormented my life for too long, and I am putting my foot down. You are a liar and the father of them. I apply the BLOOD OF JESUS on my life and command all such related spirits to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
I apply the Blood of Jesus to every area of my life. I now completely submit every area of my life to the Holy Spirit and commit from this day forward to NEVER return to the deeds of darkness.
I praise you and thank you LORD, that I am now free in the Name of Jesus and by His shed Blood!!”
(Mark down the date of this Deliverance in your Bible as a reminder to you and the spirit realm that you are set free!)
Scriptures of Victory, Deliverance, Freedom and Power…
“Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world.”
(John 4:4)
“And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly…” (Romans 16:20)
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)
“Now thanks be to God who ALWAYS leads us into triumph in Christ…” (II Corinthians 2:14)
“There take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:13)
“‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn, this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,’ says the Lord.”
(Isaiah 54:17-18)
Model Prayers and Declarations…
These declarations can be prayed on these special occasions or at any time. Feel free to make copies available to other Intercessors.
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray and confess that the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon __________…the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might and the Spirit of Knowledge. I pray that as Your Spirit rests upon __________, it will make him of quick understanding because You, Lord, have anointed and qualified him to preach the Gospel to the meek – the poor – the wealthy – the afflicted. You have sent __________ to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, and the opening of the prison and the eyes of those who are bound. __________ shall be called the priest of the Lord. People will speak of him as a minister of God. He shall eat the wealth of the nations and the Glory of the Lord shall be upon him.
I pray and believe that no weapon that is formed against __________ shall prosper, and that any tongue that rises against him in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. I pray that You prosper __________ abundantly, Lord, spiritually, physically and financially. I confess that __________ holds fast and follows the pattern of wholesome and sound teaching in all faith and love which is for us in Christ Jesus; that __________ guards and keeps with the
greatest care the precious and excellently adapted Truth which has been entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit, Who makes his home in ___________. Lord, I pray and believe that, each and every day, freedom of utterance is given __________, that he will open his mouth boldly and courageously as he ought to do to get the Gospel to the people. Thank You, Lord, for the added supernatural strength that You have given him. I hereby confess that I shall stand behind __________ and undergird him in prayer. I will say only good things that will edify __________. I will not allow myself to judge him, but I will continue to intercede for him, speak and pray blessings upon him in the Name of Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for the answers. Hallelujah! Thank you Father!”
(You may use the blank space to write the names of ministers that you will pray for as the Lord lays them on your heart.)
Ephesians 1:17-19 – “…that God would give them a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened, so that they may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward those who believe.”
Colossians 1:9-11 – “…that they may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that they will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every work, and increasing in the knowledge of God (the Word), strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience.”
James 1:5 – That God would give that person supernatural wisdom.
I Corinthians 2:16 – That they would have the mind of Christ in every situation.
Proverbs 21:1 – That the heart of the leader is in the hand of the Lord, and that the Lord will turn that leader’s heart whichever way He wants.
Proverbs 2:9 – That they will discern righteousness, justice, equity and every good course.
Proverbs 2:10 – That wisdom enters their heart and knowledge is pleasant to their soul.
Proverbs 20:28 – That loyalty and truth will preserve that leader and that his/her office will be upheld by the people’s loyalty.
Proverbs 28:2 – That they will endure long because they are leaders of understanding and knowledge.
Psalm 32:8 – That God will instruct them and teach them in the way they should go, and that He will counsel them with His eye upon them.
Proverbs 3:5-6 – That they trust in the Lord with all their heart and that they lean not to their own understanding, that in all their ways they acknowledge Him, and He shall direct their paths.
I John 2:20 – That God’s anointing will be on them and that they will know all things.
Isaiah 58:11 – That God will guide them continually.
Ephesians 1:8-9 – That God will make known His will to them in all wisdom and insight.
Isaiah 11:2-3 – That the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon them, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. That they will delight in the fear of the Lord, and they will not judge by what their eyes see, or make decisions by what their ears hear, but that they will decide with fairness through being sensitive to the Lord’s guidance.
Psalm 1:1 and Proverbs 2:20 – That they will not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers, but they will walk in the way of good men, and keep to the paths of righteousness.
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I bring before You the body of believers of __________ Church and all over the world. I confess with my mouth, through faith in Your Word, that we let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word, nor unwholesome or worthless talk (ever) come out of our mouths, but only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace to those who hear it. I declare that we let all bitterness, indignation, wrath (passion, rage, bad temper), resentment (anger, animosity), quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention), and slander (evil speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from us, with all malice (spite, ill will or baseness of any kind). We also declare that we are useful, helpful, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving hearted) and kind to one another, forgiving one another (readily and freely) as You in Christ forgave us.
Thank you Father, that we walk in love – esteeming and delighting in one another – as Christ loves us, and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to You. I declare, in the Name of Jesus, that we continue in prayer, and watch, in the same, with thanksgiving, and that our prayers avail much because we have been made righteous through Jesus. I thank You that You watch over Your Word to perform it. I believe that I have received this according to Mark 11:23 – 24 in Jesus’ Name. AMEN!”
(Scripture references from the King James version unless otherwise noted: Ephesians 4:29, 31-32; 5:1-2; (Amplified Bible); Colossians 4:2; James 5:16; I Corinthians 1:30.)
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I bring before you __________ Church. I speak and say that the people involved in this ministry speak boldly and unfold the mystery concerning Christ. They proclaim it fully and make it clear, as is their duty. They constantly give praise to You, being in favor and goodwill with all people. You are adding to their number daily those who are being saved from spiritual death. More and more of those who acknowledge Jesus as their Savior and devote themselves to Him are being added to your Kingdom daily, crowds of both men and women. The people gather also from the towns around the areas where meetings are being held, bringing the sick and those troubled with foul spirits, and they are all healed and set free.
Your message keeps on spreading, Father, and the number of disciples multiplies greatly in this ministry. The people are not able to resist the intelligence, wisdom and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with which Your ministers speak. Great crowds of people in one accord listen to and heed what is said by these ministers as they hear and see the miracles and wonders which You keep performing. Foul spirits come out of many who are possessed by them, and many who are suffering from palsy or are crippled are restored to health. There is great rejoicing in the cities where the meetings are being held. Your presence is with them in power, so that a great number learn to believe, to adhere to, trust in, and rely on You. They turn and surrender themselves to You in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You, Father, for the privilege of praying. I expect results because Your Word does not return unto You void, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN!”
(Scripture references from the Amplified Bible: Colossians 4:4; Acts 2:47; 5:14, 16; 6:7, 10; 8:6-8; 11:21.)
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I give thanks for our country and its government. I hold up in prayer before You the men and women who are in positions of authority. I pray and intercede for the President and Vice-President, Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court Judges and all the judges of the land, governors and mayors, policemen, school teachers and administrators (in both public and private schools), and for all those who are in authority over us in any way. I pray that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them. I believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the heart of our President and knowledge is pleasant to him. Discretion watches over him; understanding keeps him and delivers him from the way of evil and from evil men.
Father, I ask that You compass the President about with men and women who make their hearts and ears attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in Your sight. I believe You cause them to be men and women of integrity who are obedient concerning us that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Your Word declares that “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” I receive Your blessing and declare with my mouth that Your people dwell safely in this land and that they prosper abundantly.
It is written in Your Word that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and You turn it whichever way You desire. I believe the heart of our leader is in Your hand that his decisions are divinely directed of the Lord.
I give thanks unto You that the good news of the Gospel is published in our land. The Word of God prevails and grows mightily in the hearts and lives of the people. I give thanks for this land and the leaders You have given to us, in Jesus’ Name.
Jesus is Lord over the United States! Amen and So Be It!!
Psalm 107:20 – “I thank You, Father, for sending Your Word, healing our marriage and delivering us from all destructions.”
Song of Solomon 7:10 – In the Name of Jesus, I am __________’s beloved, and his/her desire is towards me.”
Matthew 16:18 and Acts 9:20 – “I thank You, Father, that the gates of hell are not prevailing against me and my marriage, for I am the church and Jesus said no gate or circumstance from hell would prevail against me. Therefore, the Word of God is prevailing in all circumstances in __________’s and my marriage according to Your promise in the Name of Jesus.”
Colossians 1:20-22 – “Father, I thank You that because __________ and I are both reconciled to Jesus by the Blood of the Cross, __________ and I are also reconciled to each other regardless of anything we have done to each other in the past in the Name of Jesus.”
II Samuel 7:25, 29 – “And now, oh Lord, You are confirming forever the Word which You have spoken concerning __________ and me and our marriage, and You are doing as You have spoken. Now, therefore, it pleases You to bless our marriage and it shall continue before You forever; for You have promised and with blessings shall our house be established forever in the Name of Jesus.”
Song of Solomon 8:7 – “I thank You, Father, that many waters have not quenched ___________’s love for me, neither have floods drowned it in the Name of Jesus.”
Psalm 5:12 – “I thank You, Father, that You surround me with favor as with a shield. Therefore, I have favor in __________’s eyes above every man/woman on earth in the Name of Jesus.”
Isaiah 54:17-18 – “No weapon formed against our marriage has prospered, and every voice raised against our reconciliation, God is showing to be wrong, for this is my heritage as a child of God in the Name of Jesus.”
Jeremiah 1:12 – “Father, I thank You that You are hastening Your Word and performing it in our home in the Name of Jesus.”
Luke 18:18 – “I thank You, Father, for speedily avenging Your Word in our marriage in the Name of Jesus.”
II Chronicles 16:9 – “I thank You, Father, for showing Yourself strong on behalf of my marriage and reconciliation with __________, for I am perfect in Jesus.”
Isaiah 61:7 and Joel 2:25 – “I praise You, Father, in Jesus’ Name, for restoring to __________ and me everything the enemy stole, and I thank You that I see everything restored with the double portion You promised. Everlasting joy is ours!”
Luke 21:15 – “Satan cannot overcome __________ and me, for You have given me a mouth and wisdom that the enemy cannot gainsay or resist in the Name of Jesus.”
Solomon 1:2 – “I thank You, Father, that __________ kisses me with the kisses of his/her mouth.”
Proverbs 5:19 and Psalm 124:4 – “I praise You, Father, for giving __________ wisdom and understanding which has delivered him/her from the alien man/woman who once had flattering words. But Lord, You are righteous. You have cut asunder the thick cords of flattery, spiritual darkness, lust, adultery, greed and all physical and emotional attractions and attachments by which Satan had enslaved my husband/wife, using the alien man/woman.”
Galatians 3:13 and Deuteronomy 28:30 – “According to your Word, Father, Jesus has freed me from the curse of the law by being made a curse for me. Since that is true, I refuse the curse of the law of having my betrothed husband/wife lay with another. I remind You that the Blood of Jesus and the word of my testimony is this: my husband/wife __________ lays only with me in the Name of Jesus.”
An Excerpt from “The Laws of Prosperity”
By Kenneth Copeland…
“As a guide for you to use in receiving from your giving in any area, let me share this little formula. It has worked consistently for us and will work for you if you commit yourself to it.
1. DECIDE THE AMOUNT YOU NEED. Be careful not to cheat yourself. God is not a skinflint. He is a giver. He is a lover. God is love. For God so loved the world He gave. Determine the amount you need and then be single-minded. A double-minded man can’t receive anything from the Lord. (James 1:7-8)
2. GET IN AGREEMENT ACCORDING TO MATTHEW 18:19. This is very important. The best and most powerful situation on earth is a husband and wife who can agree together in these areas. If this isn’t possible in your particular case, then get together with another believer and have him join with you.
3. LAY HOLD ON IT BY FAITH. Use the principles set out in Mark 11:23-24. Believe it in your heart and confess it with your mouth.
4. BIND THE DEVIL AND HIS FORCES IN THE NAME OF JESUS. You have authority in Jesus’ Name to order Satan out of your financial affairs. This is your responsibility. Don’t ask God to do it. You do it in Jesus’ Name. Mark 16:17, James 4:7, Ephesians 6 and the entire New Testament tell you to resist the devil. It is important for the husband and father to do this. It is his responsibility as spiritual head of the home.
5. LOOSE THE FORCES OF HEAVEN. (Hebrews 1:14). This scripture refers to the angels as ministering spirits “…sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation.” The Bible also says that angels hearken to the Word of God (Psalm 103:20), so when you use the Word in the name of Jesus, they are obligated to follow your command.
6. PRAISE GOD FOR THE ANSWER. Praise keeps the door of abundance wide open. The channel between you and God is clear so that you can receive from HIM.
Here is an example of prayer, based on these six steps:
‘Father, in the Name of Jesus, we ask you for $__________. We have this money in our heavenly account and we are withdrawing this amount now. We believe it in our hearts and confess now that it is ours according to Matthew 18:19. From this day forward we roll the care of this over on you and thank you for it. Satan, in the Name of Jesus, we take authority over you; we bind your operation now and render you helpless. Ministering spirits, we charge you to go forth and cause this amount to come to us according to Hebrews 1:14. Father, we praise your name for meeting our needs according to your riches in Glory in Christ Jesus (the Messiah Jesus) and for multiplying our seed for sowing in the Name of Jesus.’ ” *
Prayer Given at Opening Session of State of Kansas Senate…
“Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask Your forgiveness and seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We confess that:
We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism;
We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism;
We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle;
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery;
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
We have killed our unborn and called it choice;
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable;
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem;
We have abused power and called it politics;
We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition;
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression;
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide us and bless these men and women who have been sent to direct us to the center of Your will and to openly ask these things in the name of Your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”