Do you know Jesus… Really?

What does it mean to really know someone? How do you get to know someone?

How well do you know the person sitting right next to you?

“The Getting To Know You Experiment”
Pair up with the person to your right (unless they’re your BFF, if so, pick the next person to the right)
Take 5 minutes to get to know each other by asking important questions such as “where they were born”,
“what they want to be”, “what their dreams are”, etc. Also ask your own questions.

On the back of these papers, write a short summary of your new friend.

Did you learn anything new about this person?
Do you know them better now??

What kinds of things do you do to try to know Jesus?

Let’s read a few of the things that the Bible says about God:

Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the lord, and He will give you the secret petitions of your heart.
John 3:16 (Clue number 9) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Really KNOWING someone takes effort. Jesus put alot of effort in His relationship with you.
What more can you do in an effort to know him better?

Christmas play challenge:
Pick a team and come up an idea for a great Christmas presentation.
The winning team will get a chance to perform their play in an RCCM weekend service and maybe even on RCCM Television!
The winning team leader will also be the director!!

RCCM Youth Ministry Teaching
Rochester Christian Church Ministries International