Being Accountable

What does mean to “be accountable”?

( definition: “The state of being accountable, liable, or answerable”)
By being accountable, you are “putting yourself in check”.

Why is being accountable important?

Who are you accountable to?

Can you be accountable in just some things?
(how much sense would it make to be fully accountable to your mother and father about your math and
science grades where you have an “A”, but keep the fact that you have a “D” in english a secret?
Is that really being accountable?
To be fully accountable you need to be fully transparent (see-through).

What kinds of things do you try to hide?

Let’s read:
Numbers 32:23 (Message)
“But if you don’t do what you say, you will be sinning against God; you can be sure that your sin
will track you down.

At the age you are now, you are making decisions that will effect the rest of your life. It’s natural for
you to start have serious questions about life, and to start having feeling for the opposite sex — BUT
why not get the input of someone who cares about you?

Being accountable is something you should want for yourself — even if your parents don’t enforce it.
Think about it: When you get married would you want your spouse to not be accountable to you?
If you become a business owner would you want your employees to be accountable to you?
Accountability is the foundation for a successful marriage, career, friendship, relationship, and life —
start now and your friends and family will respect you more.

Accountability is also the foundation of respect….

There’s no excuse to not be accountable. You should always be accountable to your parent first, but
even if your parents aren’t around — find someone to be accountable to! Your pastor, me, an elder,
a grandparent

Putting it into practice:
Break up into groups of five. Write and act-out a skit portraying the importance of accountability.
The winning team gets Reeses Bars and a CHANCE to perform the skit during a weekend service.

RCCM Youth Ministry Teaching
Rochester Christian Church Ministries International