Promoting Unity in the Church
‘The Bible Teacher’
Study Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
1 Corinthians 3:1-17
How can believers be perfectly joined together in the same mind?
The word “mind” means: The sense of a right understanding that leads to a right attitude.
Understand God’s purpose for the church
Understand the importance of every believer and his or her contribution to God’s Kingdom.
What causes conflict in church today?
How can conflict in the church be resolved?
Verse 13
What is the focal point of Paul’s question?
Is Christ divided?
What is the implication of this focus in regard to the need of believers to pursue unity?
What are things you can do to avoid dissension in your church?
How might you strengthen the unity in the church?
Note to Remember:
Paul was helping each one of the believers to make a right decision for Jesus Christ for himself and their local church. He was helping to shape their destiny properly in each one of them and for their local church.